Jerome Lee - A Bassic Life
Jerome Lee - A Bassic Life

Welcome to Jerome Lee's Website

As so many have asked me about having a website, I wanted to provide a place where folks could find me and see what I’m up to these days. 2025 celebrates the twentieth consecutive year that A Bassic Life has been online. So please feel free to browse to your heart’s content.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been supporting my works. Music is shared around our world, and I’m glad that I can share my music with you!


 My single song titled "The Suits" has been selected and published on November 4, 2023 on the "We the People" Social Justice Songs special Indie Talk Podcast! My heartfelt thanks go out to the BWH Music Group for their ongoing support of independent artists!

 My single song titled "New Amsterdam Groove" has been selected and published on January 2, 2023 as a Best Songs of 2022 by the Indie Talk Podcast! I am thankful to the BWH Music Group for their selection of my music and for their continued support of independent artists around the world!


  I have released a new single titled "New Amsterdam Groove" in December 2021 now available through CD Baby at Amazon Music!
  "New Amsterdam Groove" is an instrumental song that I wrote as a result of having had the wonderful opportunity to play bass guitar in both Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and, New York City, U.S.A. during my playing career. The song revealed to me the pace of having lived in both cities, and it was remarkable how the music revealed itself to me. A collaborative effort recorded with some great musicians; "New Amsterdam Groove" has been a special musical journey that has now come to fruition.


  My single song titled "First Peace After The Rain" has been selected and published on January 8, 2021 as a Top 10 Single of 2020 by The Ark of Music! I am grateful and honored by this selection!


  I have released a new single song in March 2019 titled "First Peace After The Rain" now available at Amazon Music! 
 “First Peace After The Rain” is a mid to up tempo vocal song that reminds us of the peace that we feel after heavy rains fall in our lives both literally and figuratively. During the rains challenging issues and thoughts can come to mind and we realize that we that have the power to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. When one is outdoors and the heavy rain stops, even the animals are quiet for a few very peaceful moments. This song’s intent and spirit is to reflect upon how the rain will always cease and how there is peace for us after the rain falls.


I am proud to announce that there has been a press release published in 2013 about my professional audio work courtesy of the great staff at Countryman Associates. My sincere thanks go out to Chris Countryman of Countryman Associates for his caring and kindness to make all of this happen. There are links to this press release on the Home page and the Links page of this website.


For those who are visiting my website for the first time, I welcome you. To purchase music that I have published, please visit the Streaming/Buy Links page of this website and click on the photo links provided there for you. Do enjoy yourself while you are here, and come back and see me at your leisure...

Thanks For Visiting!


Jerome Lee


Jerome Lee's song catalog and playlists at Spotify
Listen to "New Amsterdam Groove" by Jerome Lee and more of his works at Apple Music
Video interview with Jerome Lee by Raul Amador at Bass Musician Magazine

Jerome Lee's release of "New Amsterdam Groove" is a Premier Video at YouTube


"First Peace After The Rain" by Jerome Lee available at YouTube

Jerome Lee's Official Artist Channel bossbassmusic at YouTube
A new song review for "New Amsterdam Groove" is now published at The Ark of Music
"New Amsterdam Groove" selected as an Editor's Pick at Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Song and Video for "New Amsterdam Groove" by Jerome Lee featured at No Treble
"New Amsterdam Groove" selected as a Best Songs of 2022 now on the Indie Talk Podcast!
"First Peace After The Rain" Top 10 Single of 2020 at The Ark of Music!
A great song review of "The Suits" by Jerome Lee at NeuFutur Magazine
Jerome Lee is a featured bassist on the song "Dance 2 The Music" on Tommy Chappell's new album "Seven Eleven"
Review of Jerome Lee's CD "Life This Time" by Wildy Haskell at Wildy's World Music Blog
Some Great Independent Artists for you to hear on Jerome Lee's Artist Playlist at ReverbNation

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