Jerome Lee - A Bassic Life
Jerome Lee - A Bassic Life


Welcome to my Guestbook for this website A Bassic Life. My earlier website version called this page the Bassbook. In 160 characters you can share your kind thoughts here if you wish. Spam will be deleted!

Have fun!


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  • Deron Pitts (Tuesday, November 15 16 10:47 am EST)


    I just wanted to let you know that I cam across your music on AirPlay Direct and have add your "The Suits" to the rotation of my station WAIR Radio

    Deron Pitts
    WAIR Radio

  • Brother block (Sunday, August 21 16 05:25 pm EDT)

    Yo Rome, great job

  • Debbie Washington (Thursday, July 28 16 08:57 pm EDT)

    Love your website!! I've always loved your music!! You are gifted and talented. Keep on keeping on!!
    Your sis, Debbie

  • Kit McGuire (Thursday, July 28 16 06:17 pm EDT)

    So very awesome my dear brother! Keep up the great work and enjoy life's blessings!

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